Stress And Trauma
Bahr, Amy C. (1988).Sometimes It's OK To Tell Secrets. Putnam Pub Group.
Sheppard, Caroline H. (1998). Brave Bart: A Story for Traumatized and Grieving Children. Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children.
Blended Families
Bradley, Buff. (1982). Where Do I Belong? A Kid's Guide to Step Families. Addison Wesley Publishing Company.
Einstein & Albert. Strengthening Your Family.
Gardner, Richard. (1985). The Boys & Girls Book about Stepfamilies. Creative Therapeutics
For children & parents.
Lutz, Erika. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Step-parenting.
Visher, John & Emily. (1993). Stepfamilies: Myths and Realities. Citadel Press.
Reeves, Carolyn. (1988). Kids as Witnesses: Telling Your Story in Court. NEF Publishing Co.
Brown, Laurie Krasny & Brown, Marc. (1998). When Dinosaurs Die: A Guide to Understanding Death. Little, Brown.
dePaola, Tomie. (2000). Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs.
Death of grandparent.
Putnam Publishing Group.
Grollman, Earl A. (1991). Talking About Death: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child. Beacon Press.
Parents for kids.
Jewett, Claudia. (1994). Helping Children Cope with Separation and Loss. Harvard Common Press.
Krementz, Jill. (1988). How it Feels When a Parent Dies. Knopf.
Sheppard, Caroline H. (1998). Brave Bart: A Story for Traumatized and Grieving Children. Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children.
Brown, Marc & Brown, Laurie Krasney. (1986). Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changing Families. Little, Brown.
Christiansen, C.B. (1990). My Mother's House, My Father's House. Puffin.
Davis, Diane. (1984). Something Is Wrong At My House: A Book About Parents Fighting. Rebound by Sagebrush.
Drexler, Peggy & Gross, Linden. (2005). Raising Boys Without Men : How Maverick Moms Are Creating the Next Generation of Exceptional Men. Rodale Press.
Gardner, Richard. (1985). The Boys' and Girls' Book About Divorce. Bantam.
For children & parents.
Girard, Linda Walvoord. (1991). At Daddy's on Saturdays. Albert Whitman & Company.
Rofes, E. (1981). The Kids' Book of Divorce: By, For, and About Kids, The Unit at the Fayerweather Street School. Stephen Greene Pr.
Sheppard, Caroline H. (1998). Brave Bart: A Story for Traumatized and Grieving Children. Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children.
Johnson, Anthony G. (1994). A Rock and a Hard Place. Signet.
An amazing story of a boy who epitomizes resiliency and a tribute to a few adults who were his life supports.
Levine, Peter A. & Frederick, Ann. (1997). Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma- The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences. North Atlantic Books.
Levine, Peter A. & Kline, Maggie (2006). Trauma Through a Child's Eyes: Awakening the Ordinary Miracle of Healing. North Atlantic Books.
Levine, Peter A. & Kline, Maggie (2008). Trauma Proofing Your Kids: A Parent's Guide for Installing Confidence, Joy & Resilience. North Atlantic Books.
Matsakis, Aphrodite. (1996). I Can't Get Over It, A Handbook for Trauma Survivors. New Harbinger Publications.
Odgen, Pat, Minton, Kekuni, & Pain, Claire. (2006). Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy. W.W. Norton.
Perry, Bruce D. & Szalavitz, Maria(2007). The Boy That Was Raised as a Dog: and Other Stories from a Psychiatrist's Notebook-What Traumatized Children Can Teach Us About Loss, Love and Healing. Basic Books.
Aaron, Elaine N. (1998) The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You. Carol.
"What Everyone Should Know About Stress," NH Task Force on Child Abuse & Neglect, PO Box 607, Concord, NH 03301, 603-225-5441.
Eliot, Robert R. (1989). Is It Worth Dying For?: How to Make Stress Work for You- Not Against You. Bantam.
Gordon, Sol. (2004). When Living Hurts. Urj Press.
For adolescents.
McKend, Heather. Moving Gives Me a Stomach Ache.
Navarra, Tova. (1989). Playing It Smart: What to Do When You're on Your Own: A Kid's Guide to Handling the Ins and Outs of Everyday Life. Barrons Juveniles.
Mason, Paul T. and Kreger, Randi. (1998). Stop Walking On Eggshells. Coping When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder. New Harbinger Publications.
Williams, M. & Burke, D. (1996). Cool Cats, Calm Kids Relaxation and Stress Management for Young People. Impact.
9-12 year olds.
Zelonky, Joy. (1986). My Best Friend Moved Away. Chariot Family Pub.
Zemach, Margot. (1990). It Could Always Be Worse. FSG.
Fry, Virginia. (1995). Part of Me Died Too: Stories of Creative Survival Among Bereaved Children and Teenagers. Dutton Children's Books.
Children and adolescents.
Heller, Laurence & LaPierre, Aline (2012). Healing Developmental Trauma.
Levine, Peter & Kline, Maggie (2007). Trauma through a child's eyes: Awakening the ordinary miracle of healing. North Atlantic.
Lovett, Joan (1999). Small Wonders. Free Press.
Perry, Bruce & Szalavitz, Maia (2007). The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog. Basic Books.