Social Cognition & Social Skills
The Official Social Stories Website.
Michelle Winner Social Thinking Program.
Alberti, R. & Emmons, M. (2001). Your Perfect Right. Impact Publishers.
Excellent book on assertiveness training for adolescents and adults.
Covey, Stephen. (1988). The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Free Press.
Readable and profound.
Covey, Sean. (2002). Free Press. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers.
Duke, M. et al. (1996). Teaching Your Child the Language of Social Success. Martin.
Written by foremost researchers in the field of child socialization.
Fisher, Ury & Patton. (1991). Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, revised edition. Penguin.
The classic on negotiation.
Forte, I. (1991). The Me I'm Learning to Be. Incentive.
Forte, I. & Schurr, S. (1997). Advisory & Affective Education. Incentive.
Goldstein, A. & Glick, B. (1987). Aggression Replacement Training. Research Press.
Aggression and morals training.
Goldstein, A. (1988). The Prepare Curriculum: Teaching Pro-social Competencies. Research Press.
A compendium of many social skills curriculums.
Goldstein, A. et al. (1980). Skillstreaming the (adolescent)...(or elementary school child)...(or preschool child). Research Press.
Three standard references for social skills training.
Gutstein, S. & Sheely, R. (2004). Relationship Development Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Adults. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Excellent playful interventions focusing on teaching social interacting and TOM.
Gutstein, S. & Sheely, R. (2004). Relationship Development Intervention with Young Children. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Excellent playful interventions focusing on teaching social interacting and TOM.
Hargreaves, Roger. Mr. Men & Little Miss (series). Price Stern Sloan Publishing Co.
Hausman & Fillman. (1999). A-Z: Do You Ever Feel Like Me? Dutton Juvenile.
Kreidler, W.J. (1984). Creative Conflict Resolution. Scott, Foresman & Co.
Good book for K-6.
Kreidler, W.J. (1994). Teaching Conflict Resolution Through Children's Literature. Scholastic.
Good book for K-2.
Packer, Alex J. (1997). How Rude! Teenagers Guide to Good Manners, Proper Behavior, and Not Grossing People Out. Free Spirit Publishing.
Packer, Alex J. (2004). How Rude! Friendship and Dating Manners for Teens: Surviving the Social Scene. Free Spirit Publishing.
Palmer, P. (1977). The Mouse, the Monster and Me.
Assertiveness training for young children.
Schrumpf, F., et al. (1991). Peer Mediation: Conflict Resolution in Schools (Student Manual & Program Guide). Research Press.
Based on Glasser's Control theory.
Second Step: Violence Prevention Program. Committee for Children.
The pictures, in this curriculum kit,Êare especiallym useful inÊdepicting a variety of children's emotional expressions.
Wichert, S. (1989). Keeping the Peace: Practicing Cooperation and Conflict Resolution with Pre- schoolers. New Society Publishers.