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Barkley, Russell. (1998). Your Defiant Child: 8 Steps to Better Behavior. Guilford Press.

  • Best if used with a therapist or a group.

Barkley, Russell. (1987). Defiant Children: Parent-Teacher assignments. Guilford Press.

  • Best if used with a therapist or a group.

Becker, Wesley. (1971). Parents are Teachers. Research Press.

  • Very readable.

Bradley, Michael. (2003). Yes, Your Teen is Crazy! Loving Your Kid Without Losing Your Mind. Harbor Press, Inc.

Brown, Scott. (2003). How to Negotiate with Kids...even when you think you shouldn't: 7 Essential Skills to End Conflict and Bring More Joy into Your Family. Penguin Books.

  • Based on the Harvard Business School model of conflict resolution, very good.

Cohen-Sandler, Roni & Silver, Michelle. (2000). I'm Not Mad at You, I Just Hate You. Penguin Books.

Eliot, Lise. (1999). What's Going On In There? How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life. Bantam.

  • Excellent and readable book on early child development.

Golant, M. & Corwin, D. (1995). The Challenging Child. Berkeley.

  • This is an easy to read book with good basic strategies.

Gossen, D.C. (1993). Restitution. New View Publications.

  • Easy to read and shows that most problems can be repaired by paying back to the victim.

Greene, Ross. (1998). The Explosive Child. Harper Collins.

  • Excellent strategies for inflexible- explosive children.

Haerle, Tracy. (1992). Children with Tourette Syndrome, A Parent's Guide. Woodbine House.

Kirshenbaum, M. & Foster, C. (1995). Parent/teen Breakthrough: The Relationship Approach. Penguin.

  • Excellent.

Kohn, Alfie. (2005). Unconditional Parenting: Moving From Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason. Atria.

Kurcinka, M. S. (1991). Raising Your Spirited Child. Harper Perennial.

  • Very good analysis of children who are over-sensitive, energetic, persistent, etc. and how parents contribute to it.

McCarney, S. & Bauer, A. (1989). The Parent's Guide: Solutions to Today's Most Common Behavior Problems in the Home. Hawthorne Educational Services.

  • Cookbook with little explanation of how to.

Morin, Virginia. (1999). Fun to Grow On: Engaging Play Activities for Kids with Teachers, Parents & Grandparents. Magnolia Street Publishing.

Rich, Dorothy. (1992). MegaSkills. Houghton-Mifflin.

  • Good book developing values.

Sloane, H. (1976). The Good Kid Book: How to Solve the 16 Most Common Behavior Problems. Research Press.

  • Very readable.

Seligman, M. (1995). The Optimistic Child. Harper Perennial.

  • Excellent advice based on sound research on depression. Author is the originator of the concepts of learned optimism and learned helplessness.

Sunderland, Margot. (2006). The Science of Parenting. DK Publishing.

Walsh, D. (2004). Why Do They Act That Way? A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain for You and Your Teen. Free Press.

  • Very readable.

Weininger, Otto. (2002). Time-in Parenting: How to teach children emotional self-control, life skills, and problem solving by lending yourself and staying connected. Rinascente Books, Inc.

Wood, Chip. (2007). Yardsticks: Children in the Classroom ages 4-14, 3rd Edition. Rinascente Books, Inc.

Blended Families

Bradley, Buff. (1982). Where Do I Belong? A Kid's Guide to Step Families. Addison Wesley Publishing Company.

Einstein & Albert. Strengthening Your Family.

Gardner, Richard. (1985). The Boys & Girls Book about Stepfamilies. Creative Therapeutics

  • For children & parents.

Lutz, Erika. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Step-parenting.

  • Adults.

Visher, John & Emily. (1993). Stepfamilies: Myths and Realities. Citadel Press.

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